Lactobacillus-bifidus-for-breast-fed-babiesThe importance of healthy gut bacteria can’t be overstated and when we took a new range called Proven on recently we were impressed by their quality and range.

They’re largely based on a combination of bacteria strains called Lab4. These bacteria have been used for many of the pioneering scientific research on probiotics and have been found to be highly effective at optimising gut health.
The ProVen Probiotics range includes specialist formulas for immunity, travelling, toddlers, children, pregnancy and newborns.
In the context of our mother and baby health event we’ve taken a closer look at the newborn products. There are two, one for bottle-fed and one for breast-fed infants. Their use might be of particular importance for babies at a disadvantage when it comes to developing their immune systems. This includes babies born by caesarian section and non breast-fed babies but any newborn could benefit from probiotics when digestive problems such as colic manifest themselves, when there is failure to thrive and infections become a problem or when there is a family history of allergic conditions such as eczema or asthma.
They come in powder form and are easy to give to baby either in formula or expressed milk or directly into baby’s mouth on a clean finger.
All in all we feel that probiotics can have an important role to play in getting babies off to a good start and that the ProVen Probiotics range is of exceptional quality.